Matariki is a time for us to gather and celebrate with those around us, so check out events happening near you. From lectures to light shows, music to markets, there's plenty to get you celebrating Matariki this year.
Want to showcase your Matariki event? Complete the form below and don't forget to tag us @mānawatiaamatariki
on social media for your chance to pick up a spot prize.
Want to showcase your Matariki event? Complete the form below and don't forget to tag us @mānawatiaamatariki
on social media for your chance to pick up a spot prize.
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National broadcast of Matariki hautapu
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
6am - 11am
Ki hea| Where
Online | Broadcast
Te utu | Cost

Mānawatia a Matariki | Celebrate our New Year
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10.00am - 6.00pm
Ki hea | Where
Rongomaraeroa, Te Papa, Level 4
Te utu | Cost
From 10 May–8 July, visit Mānawatia a Matariki Hub – a special experience on Rongomaraeroa.
Learn about Matariki through interactive activities, discover ways to celebrate, listen to waiata and soundscapes, set intentions for the New Year, and wish upon a Matariki star. - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Mana Matariki at Te Paataka Koorero o Festival
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
9am - 5pm
Ki hea | Where
Te Paataka Koorero o Takaanini, 6 building, 30 Walters Road, Takaanini, Auckland
Te utu | Cost
Te Paataka Koorero o Takaanini will host an epic Matariki event, beginning with a visual activation on Tuesday 4 June.
On 13 June there will be a wānanga about the Māori lunar calendar, along with story times, and a variety of craft activities for our tamariki throughout the festival.
The event will also include a kapa haka whakangahau (performance) for local primary and intermediate schools, as well as a market featuring small local businesses on Thursday 27 June.
Big celebration day: 27 June – Whakangahau kapa haka / Makete, kai, crafts & more. - Tāmaki Makaurau
Matariki Kōrero: Waitī
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Ki hea | Where
Te Papa
Te utu | Cost
Throughout June, guest speakers will chair a weekly series of Matariki talks about kai Māoripractices connected to taonga from our collection. This kōrerowill be about Waitī – the whetū associated with fresh water.
Matariki has a strong connection to our taiao and natural world, reminding us to give thanks for our freshwater, saltwater, winds and rains.
Join Tumai Cassidy as he discusses Waitī, the Matariki whetū associated with fresh water, and food sources sustained by those waters, with a focus on tuna and piharau. - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Ngāti Kahungunu Matariki events
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
Ki hea | Where
Various locations
Te utu | Cost
Matariki 2024 events organised by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi include a light show, a hautapu ceremony, hikoi of remembrance and storytelling at various locations. See the full list of events at’s Bay - Te Matau-a-Māui
Ngā Whetū Katoa o Matariki, Pūrākau Trail Walk
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
Ki hea | Where
Thomsons Bush, Prestonville, Invercargill 9810
Te utu | Cost
Pūrākau trail walk with art installations, ngā pūrākau o Matariki, food trucks, whānau entertainment and more.
We invite kura, kohanga, whānau and individuals to enter an art piece into Pūrākau Trail Walk event. All installations will be illuminated and hung around the park.
Please contact us at to register your art piece. - Murihiku
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
5pm - 11pm
Ki hea | Where
Held on Queen Street and Aotea Square
Te utu | Cost
Tūrama, the hugely popular series of large-scale illuminated art installations returns to light up Queen Street for the city centre’s Matariki ki te Manawa programme. Tūrama is a creative collaboration between talented artists Graham Tipene (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Manu), Ataahua Papa (Ngāti Korokī Kahukura, Ngāti Mahuta) and Angus Muir Design with Barbara Holloway, Principal – City Centre Place Activation at Auckland Council. Mana Whenua Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Council are proud to bring Tūrama to the city centre, - Tāmaki Makaurau
Matariki at Te Atamira 2024
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10am - 4pm
Ki hea | Where
Remarkables Park Town Centre, 12 Hawthorne Drive, Frankton Queenstown, 9300
Te utu | Cost
Mark your diaries for creativity and community during June and July to celebrate Matariki! Free art, craft, kai and kōrero events for all from Sunday 9 June - Sunday 28 July.
Te Whare Pora - House of Learning, opening on Saturday 8 June, 11am. Join us to celebrate the opening of this exhibition of rare kākahu (cloaks) and taonga puoro (musical instruments) from acclaimed kairaranga (weaver) Rokahurihia Ngarimu Cameron, MNZM.
Other craft events includes Community Weave (9 June – 28 July), Origami Star Making (22 June – 5 July) and Light kites (6 July – 21 July). - Ōtākou
matARiki Sculpture Trail
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
8.00am - 5.00pm
Ki hea | Where
Te Papa o Ngā Manu Porotakataka and The Strand Reserve
Te utu | Cost
Digital art in the real world. The matARiki Sculpture Trail promises a unique and interactive experience for families and art enthusiasts alike.
This groundbreaking exhibition, the first of its kind in Aotearoa, uses augmented reality (AR) technology to breathe life into digital artworks by renowned New Zealand artists. With the theme of Matariki – specifically focusing on the twin stars Waitī (fresh water) and Waitā (salt water) – the trail invites visitors to embark on a journey through augmented reality sculptures. of Plenty - Te Moana-a-Toi
Dawn Stargazing at Space Place
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
5am - 7am
Ki hea | Where
Carter Observatory, 40 Salamanca Road, Kelburn, Wellington
Te utu | Cost
Adults $5 / 16 & under free
Join us at Space Place for two early morning sessions where we will watch Matariki and Puanga rising on the planetarium screen, preparing you to find these markersi with the naked eye when they rise above Pōneke in June. We will also discuss the season’s significance to mana whenua and allow a peaceful moment to reflect upon the year gone, and the one to come.
Kai includes porridge with toppings, tea, coffee, hot chocolate and kawakawa tea.
Weather permitting, you can use our telescopes to search the early morning sky.
Bookings essential. Tuesday 11 & 18 June | 5am - 7am. - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
5pm - 11pm
Ki hea | Where
Elliott Street, 1 Elliot Street, Auckland City Centre
Te utu | Cost
Taurima, the gorgeous crochet-like neon artworks floating above Elliott Street, return for the city centre Matariki ki te Manawa programme.
Aucklanders and visitors will see pātaka kai (food storehouse) symbolism suspended above the street in quirky fluoro-neon art created by Lissy Robinson-Cole (Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hine), Rudi Robinson-Cole (Waikato, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Pāoa, Te Arawa), Ataahua Papa (Ngāti Korokī Kahukura, Ngāti Mahuta) and Angus Muir Design. Taurima will be up until August and will return for future Matariki Festivals. - Tāmaki Makaurau
Matariki Moments at Old St Paul's
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10.00am - 4.00pm
Ki hea | Where
Old St Paul's, 34 Mulgrave Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011
Te utu | Cost
Old St Paul’s is turning its gaze to the mid-winter stars to celebrate Matariki providing all manuhiri a tranquil space to take a moment and reflect.
During June until early July, our Matariki Moments board will be set up in the vestry of the building. It's a colour-coded interactive activity for everybody to enjoy. Come in to Old St Paul’s during opening hours and either māharatia/reflect by writing a message to someone you love and have lost; whakanuia/celebrate with a note to honour your present situation and successes; or wawatia/aspire by writing down a goal for the year ahead. - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Matariki Kōrero: Tipuārangi
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Ki hea | Where
Te Papa
Te utu | Cost
Throughout June, guest speakers will chair a weekly series of Matariki talks about kai Māori practices connected to taonga from our collection. This kōrero will be about Tipuārangi – the whetū associated with all that lives and grows in the trees.
Matariki has a strong connection to our taiao and natural world, reminding us to give thanks for our freshwater, saltwater, winds and rains.
Join Puke Tīmoti as he discusses Tipuārangi. This kōrero will discuss manu rangatira, kererū and the four P's: prepare, provision, preserve, and prestige.
Kererū at Otari. Photo by Norm Heke. Te Papa (46265) - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Konohete Pō – Music for Matariki
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
4pm - 6pm
Ki hea | Where
Arataki Visitor Centre, 300 Scenic Drive, Nihotupu, Auckland
Te utu | Cost
Come along to the Arataki Visitor Centre for a wonderful evening of music to celebrate Matariki.
This konohete (concert) features local Māori musicians and performances, storytelling and art to honour this traditional time of coming together as a community. - Tāmaki Makaurau
Tree of Remembrance
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
All hours
Ki hea | Where
Nairn Street Cottage, 68 Nairn Street, Mount Cook, Wellington
Te utu | Cost
Donation appreciated
Matariki is a time to remember and honour those who have passed, including ancestors and loved ones. We have created a special place in our heritage garden to commemorate with our Tree of Remembrance – Mai i te whenua ki te rangi, translating to Tree of Remembrance – From earth to sky.
Our Tree of Remembrance is for everyone to come reflect and share a message during this meaningful time. Write your message on colourful star-shaped paper and adorn our tree with your treasured words and memories. - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
He Wai – Queen Street pop-up performances
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
5.15pm - 7pm
Ki hea | Where
Queen Street, 269-287 Wellesley Street West, Auckland City Centre Between Victoria Street and Civic Theatre
Te utu | Cost
Don’t miss this newly created pop-up music series called Horotiu, remembering the iconic Waihorotiu Stream flowing beneath our pavements.
For two weeks throughout the festival, contemporary Māori and Pasifika artists will thrill midtown audiences with live music and waiata in Queen Street.
Exciting performances are expected to pause the city centre’s hustle and bustle for a moment of celebration as part of Matariki ki te Manawa.
Saturday 15 June 2024
Sunday 16 June 2024
Thursday 20 June 2024
Friday 21 June 2024 - Tāmaki Makaurau
Dawn ceremony
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
6.30am - 8.30am
Ki hea | Where
Corban Estate Art Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon Lane, Henderson, Auckland
Te utu | Cost
Fire, karakia and kai create a sense of place and belonging to mark the opening of the Auckland Matariki Festival 2024 at Corban Estate Art Centre. Visitors are invited to speak, read a poem or sing a waiata / song, supporting the wellbeing of our communities.
Artist Penny Howard is creating a whai (string game) installation in our Heritage Room. From June 1, you're invited to write your wish, hope or dream for Matariki on a paper wishbone, held in the kono (basket), tying it to the whai. On the morning of June 15, with Matariki visible in the sky, we will burn all the wishes gathered. - Tāmaki Makaurau
Weaving Whetu with Whenu Ataahua
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10am - 1pm
Ki hea | Where
Onehunga Community Centre, 83 Church St, Onehunga, Auckland
Te utu | Cost
Come along and learn the tikanga around Māori weaving – te papa atawhai (harvesting), whakariterite (preparation of fibres) and raranga (weaving).
Join us in weaving a whaariki (mat) and whetu (stars), creating a collaborative artwork to be displayed in a local community centre.
Saturday 15 June 2024
Wednesday 19 June 2024
Saturday 22 June 2024
Wednesday 26 June 2024 - Tāmaki Makaurau
Whiri Aroha/Raranga Whatu : Weaving Exhibition
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
11am - 5pm
Ki hea | Where
Huakaiwaka Visitors Centre, Auckland Botanical Gardens, 100 Hill Rd, Manurewa, Auckland
Te utu | Cost
This Matariki, explore a collection of traditional and contemporary garments.
Inspired by the prized representations of their ancestors and taonga woven from pingao, kiekie, kakaho (from toitoi) and muka flax, the Whiri Aroha and Raranga Whatu weavers invite you to visit their display and workshops on Wednesday 19 and 26 June. - Tāmaki Makaurau
Mana Moana Pōneke
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
6pm - 9pm
Ki hea | Where
Whairepo Lagoon, Wellington City
Te utu | Cost
In the lead-up to Ahi Kā and during the long weekend, enjoy a series of indigenous short films showcasing stories of our ocean, projected on a water screen. Watch as millions of water droplets fall and catch the light, creating the illusion of images appearing from the darkness and floating on the water.
Mana Moana Pōneke is a collaboration between Māori and Pasifika musicians, artists, writers, and choreographers.
Runs from 15-16 June, 22-23 June, 27-30 June. - Te Whanganui-a-Tara
He Koniahi
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10.00am, 12.30pm and 6.00pm
Ki hea | Where
The Arts Village, 1240 Hinemaru Street, Rotorua
Te utu | Cost
Koha entry
Experience the essence of storytelling.
Offering a captivating journey designed for whānau to engage their imaginations.
A mission to bring joy of the love of storytelling back to our communities. of Plenty - Te Moana-a-Toi
Te Heke Whakanga
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
Various times
Ki hea | Where
Marlborough Art Gallery, 15 High Street, Blenheim
Te utu | Cost
Ngāti Rārua settled within the rohe of Te Tauihu o Te Waka ā Māui and down through to the West Coast of the South Island in the mid 1820s. Tirīti o Waitangi was signed in Port Underwood on 17 June 1840. Te Heke Whakangā (the Ngāti Rārua journey ) tells the story of the Ngāti Rārua relationship with the Crown, and explores the impacts on the wellbeing of the iwi since that time. Te Heke Whakangā honours those that have gone before us, shares the experiences they went through, and reflects on what is important to Ngāti Rārua. This exhibition, held during Matariki, explores & celebrates our past. - Te Tauihu-o-te-Waka
Matariki magic at Taupō Museum
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10.00am - 4.30pm
Ki hea | Where
Taupō Museum, 4 Story Place, Taupō
Te utu | Cost
Entry is free for Taupō District residents with proof of address
As part of its Matariki programme, Taupō Museum is holding exhibitions in both the Niven Gallery and Main Gallery from 15 June to 28 July.
Both exhibitions will have an opening night from 5pm on Friday 14 June. Taupō Museum is open from 10am to 4.30pm daily and entry is free for Taupō District residents with proof of address.
The museum will also be open to celebrate Matariki on the public holiday on 28 June. There will be a sausage sizzle and Matariki stars hidden throughout the museum to keep the young ones entertained.
Matariki — the Aotearoa / Pacific New Year
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
Various times
Ki hea | Where
Various Christchurch locations
Te utu | Cost
Explore the traditions and importance of Matariki with information about resources, crafts, and ways to celebrate with Christchurch City Libraries.
Events include Matariki Takiura, Matariki Wānaka Whānau Day (22 June) and Matariki ki Rehua Marae (29 June). - Waitaha
Celebrate Matariki Magic at MOTAT!
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
10.00am - 4.00pm daily
Ki hea | Where
MOTAT - Museum of Transport and Technology - 805 Great North Road & 98 Motions Road, Western Springs, Auckland 1022
Te utu | Cost
Included in general admission to MOTAT
In Te Puawānanga, the newly opened science and technology centre, you can create and design your own whetū using weaving, knot and lashing technology in the Te Manawa Magic Box, as well as learn more about themes specific to Matariki such as celestial navigation and kumara harvesting through fun, hands-on experiences the whole family can enjoy.
There are also Matariki star trail maps for the family to follow, taking you on adventures around the venue and unveiling surprises and delights along the way. - Tāmaki Makaurau
Matariki Kōrero: Puanga
Rā | Date
Āhea | When
6.30pm - 8pm
Ki hea | Where
Te Papa
Te utu | Cost
Throughout June, guest speakers will chair a weekly series of Matariki talks about kai Māori practices connected to taonga from our collection. This kōrero will be about Puanga – the whetū that for some iwi, signals the Māori New Year.
Join Rereata Mākiha, Julian Wilcox and Dallas King as they discuss Puanga taiao practices. This kōrero will focus on using the maramataka within gardening and harvesting practices, with a special focus on the humble kūmara and peruperu potatoes.
Image: Rereata Makiha and Dallas King. Photo Courtesy of Dallas King - Te Whanganui-a-Tara